Mosley, A., Heiphetz, L., White, M. H., II., & Biernat, M. (2024). Perceptions of harm and benefit predict judgments of cultural appropriation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15(3), 299–308. doi: 10.1177/1948550623116240 (OSF)
White, M. H., II, & Crandall, C. S. (2023). Perceived authenticity as a vicarious justification for prejudice. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(3), 534–554. doi: 10.1177/13684302221080466 (OSF)
White, M. H., II, Crandall, C. S., & Davis, N. T. (2022). Vicarious justifications for prejudice in the application of democratic values. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(3), 758-768. doi: 10.1177/19485506211040700 (OSF)
Vox covered this research here, here, and here; Pacific Standard also wrote about the research on their website here; FiveThirtyEight cited the paper here.
New York magazine’s The Cut covered this research here. Dr. Crandall spoke about this research on the NPR podcast Hidden Brain, as well.
Dopp, A. R., Borduin, C. M., White, M. H., II, & Kuppens, S. (2017). Family-based treatments for serious juvenile offenders: A multilevel meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85(4), 335-354. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000183
White, M. H., II, & Sheldon, K. M. (2014). The contract year syndrome in the NBA and MLB: A classic undermining pattern. Motivation and Emotion, 38(2), 196-205. doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9389-7 (Undergraduate honors thesis)
White, M. H., II., Greenberg, J., Landau, M. J., & Sullivan, D. (under review). The many schemes of things: An existential-psychological perspective of The Big Lebowski.
Stories and memos
White, M. H., II., Mangan, A., & Conroy, M. (2025). Fifty-plus female actors are recognized less than their male counterparts. The Geena Davis Institute.
Conroy, M., Espinoza, C., Meyer M., Pérez, R., C., Terán, L., & White, M. H., II. (2024). Ninety-six years of data reveals persistence of women’s underrepresentation behind the scenes. The Geena Davis Institute.
Sanders, L., & White, M. H., II. (2021, June). Ranked: America’s favorite dogs.
White, M. H., II., & Sanders, L. (2021, April). America’s best and worst states, according to Democrats and Republicans.
White, M. H., II., & Sanders, L. (2021, April). All US states ranked from best to worst, according to Americans. Read more at Thrillist, Gothamist, The Des Moines Register, and Chicago Sun-Times.
Sanders, L., & White, M. H., II. (2021, March). Why Americans do (and don’t) support raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour.
White, M. H., II. (2020, December). Three-quarters of Americans place themselves on Santa’s “Nice” list. Read more in FiveThirtyEight’s weekly pollapalooza.
Mangan, A., & White, M. H., II. (2020, December). Americans want to tax film franchises to fund the arts.
Sanders, L., & White, M. H., II. (2020, September). Voters split on confirming a new Supreme Court justice before Inauguration Day. Read more at The New York Times, FiveThirtyEight, and The Hill.
White, M. H., II. (2020, August). Americans support the Milwaukee Bucks’ strike. Read more at FiveThirtyEight, Deadspin, and The Guardian.
White, M. H., II. (2020, August). Do Americans think this season’s NBA title should have an “asterisk”?
White, M. H., II, & Sanders, L. (2020, August). When Americans think the 2020 presidential election winner will be announced.
Data for Progress & YouGov Blue (2020, July). Voters support the Biden-Sanders Task Force recommendations. More information at
White, M. H., II. (2020, July). In-person K-12 school instruction unpopular among voters, but sizable urban-rural divide.
Sanders, L., & White, M. H., II. (2020, July). Voters split on SCOTUS decision to send Trump financial records case to lower courts.
White, M. H., II. (2020, June). Voters want a non-police first responder agency for addiction and mental health.
White, M. H., II, & Sanders, L. (2020, April). Who is America’s cutest character? Read more at Variety.
Green, J., & White, M. H., II. (2020, March). The public thinks members of Congress shouldn’t be able to own individual stocks.
White, M. H., II. (2020, February). Beyond “OK Boomer”: The generational divide in the 2020 electorate.
White, M. H., II. (2020, February). Ambivalent support, part 2: Supporting a non-preferred candidate.
Mangan, A., & White, M. H., II. (2020, January). Are Marvel movies “cinema”? Is Hollywood making too many sequels?
Data for Progress & YouGov Blue (2019, September). Polling on the Green New Deal in battleground districts. Read more at Vox.
Mangan, A., & White, M. H., II. (2019, September). Social Security: Warren’s “plan for that” enjoys majority support across the electorate.
Data for Progress & YouGov Blue (2019, August). Favorability of major political figures and organizations in battleground districts. More information at
White, M. H., II. (2019, July 30). Ambivalent support: Why do primary voters say they’ll vote for a non-preferred candidate?
Data for Progress & YouGov Blue (2019, July). How the first debates changed the race. Data available at
Wendell, A., & White, M. H., II. (2019, May 29). The public supports a right to repair.
Unpublished WHITE PAPERS
White, M. H., II. (2021). Analytical estimation of best-worst scores in balanced and imbalanced block designs.
White, M. H., II, & Lello-Smith, I. (2019). Confidence interval coverage in weighted surveys: A simulation study.
White, M. H., II. (2019). Using beta regression to model normative aspects of prejudice and political attitudes.
White, M. H., II. (2018). Explicitly optimizing on causal effects via the causal random forest: A practical introduction and tutorial.
White, M. H., II. (2017). A Monte Carlo study on methods for handling class imbalance.
White, M. H., II, & Baldwin, M. (2017). The Force is too strong with this one? Sexism, Star Wars, and female heroes.
bwsTools: Tools for Best-Worst Scaling (MaxDiff) Designs. CRAN. GitHub. OSF.
A power analysis calculator for the interaction term in a 2 x 2 factorial design. App. GitHub.