Sentiment Analysis of Kanye West's Discography


Last time, I did some basic frequency analyses of Kanye West lyrics. I've been using the tidytext package at work a lot recently, and I thought I would apply some of the package's sentiment dictionaries to the Kanye West corpus I have already made (discussed here). The corpus is not big enough to do the analyses by song or by a very specific emotion (such as joy), so I will stick to tracking positive and negative sentiment of Kanye's lyrical content over the course of his career.


For each song, I removed duplicate words (for reasons like so that the song “Amazing” doesn't have an undue influence on the analyses, given that he says “amazing"—a positive word—about 50 times). I allowed duplicate words from the same album, but not from the same song.

The tidytext package includes three different sentiment analysis dictionaries. One of the dictionaries assigns each word a score from -5 (very negative) to +5 (very positive). Using this dictionary, I simply took the average score for the album:

afinn <- kanye %>% # starting with full data set
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics) %>% # what was long string of text, now becomes one word per row
  inner_join(get_sentiments("afinn"), by="word") %>% # joining sentiments with these words
  group_by(song) %>%  # grouping dataset by song
  subset(!duplicated(word)) %>% # dropping duplicates (by song, since we are grouped by song)
  ungroup() %>% # ungrouping real quick...
  group_by(album) %>% # and now grouping by album
  mutate(sentiment=mean(score)) %>%  # getting mean by album
  slice(1) %>% # taking one row per every album
  ungroup() %>% # ungrouping
  subset(select=c(album,sentiment)) # only including the album and sentiment columns

The other two dictionaries tag each word as negative or positive. For these, I tallied up how many positive and negative words were being used per album and subtracted the negative count from the positive count:

bing <- kanye %>% # taking data set
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics) %>% # making long list of lyrics into one word per row
  inner_join(get_sentiments("bing"), by="word") %>% # joining words with sentiment
  group_by(song) %>% # grouping by song
  subset(!duplicated(word)) %>% # getting rid of duplicated words (within each song)
  ungroup() %>% # ungrouping
  count(album, sentiment) %>% # counting up negative and positive sentiments per album
  spread(sentiment, n, fill=0) %>% # putting negative and positive into different columns
  mutate(sentiment=positive-negative) # subtracting negative from positive

# all of this is same as above, but with a different dictionary
nrc <- kanye %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, lyrics) %>% 
  inner_join(get_sentiments("nrc"), by="word") %>%
  group_by(song) %>% 
  subset(!duplicated(word)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  count(album, sentiment) %>%
  spread(sentiment, n, fill=0) %>% 

I then merged all these data frames together, standardized the sentiment scores, and averaged the three z-scores together to get an overall sentiment rating for each album:

colnames(afinn)[2] <- "sentiment_afinn" # renaming column will make it easier upon joining

bing <- ungroup(subset(bing, select=c(album,sentiment))) # getting rid of unnecessary columns
colnames(bing)[2] <- "sentiment_bing"

nrc <- ungroup(subset(nrc, select=c(album,sentiment)))
colnames(nrc)[2] <- "sentiment_nrc"

suppressMessages(library(plyr)) # getting plyr temporarily because I like join_all()
album_sent <- join_all(list(afinn, bing, nrc), by="album") # joining all three datasets by album
suppressMessages(detach("package:plyr")) # getting rid of plyr, because it gets in the way of dplyr

# creating composite sentiment score:
album_sent$sent <- (scale(album_sent$sentiment_afinn) + 
                    scale(album_sent$sentiment_bing) + 
album_sent <- album_sent[-7,c(1,5)] # subsetting data to not include watch throne and only include composite
# reordering the albums in chronological order
album_sent$album <- factor(album_sent$album, levels=levels(album_sent$album)[c(2,4,3,1,5,7,8,6)])


And then I plotted the sentiment scores by album, in chronological order. Higher scores represent more positive lyrics:

ggplot(album_sent, aes(x=album, y=sent))+
  geom_line(group=1, linetype="longdash", size=.8, alpha=.5)+
  labs(x="Album", y="Sentiment")+
  scale_x_discrete(labels=c("The College Dropout", "Late Registration", "Graduation",
                            "808s & Heartbreak", "MBDTF", "Yeezus", "The Life of Pablo"))+
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1),
        text = element_text(size=12))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

Looks like a drop in happiness after his mother passed as well as after starting to date Kim Kardashian…

This plot jibes with what we know: 808s is the "sad” album. Graduation—with all the talk about achievement, being strong, making hit records, and having a big ego—peaks at the album with the most positive words. This plot seems to lend some validity to the method of analyzing sentiments using all three dictionaries from the tidytext package.

Some issues with this “bag-of-words” approach, however, was that it was prone to error in the finer level of analysis, like song. “Street Lights,” perhaps one of Kanye's saddest songs, came out with one of the most positive scores. Why? It was reading words like “fair” as positive, neglecting to realize that a negation word (i.e., “not”) always preceded it. One could get around this with maybe n-grams or natural language processing.

Nevertheless, there's the trajectory of Kanye's lyrical positivity over time!

Text Mining Kanye's Vocabulary


I have been teaching myself how to do some text mining in R, and I thought a fun corpus to look at would be Kanye West lyrics. I'm still learning sentiment analysis, so this post will focus on basic frequencies for words in Kanye West songs. I'm going to look at the lyrics from Kanye's discrography (his solo albums and Watch the Throne) to see (a) the words he uses most and (b) which albums have the biggest vocabularies.

Making the corpus

I wanted to do scrape a website like to automate the data collection, but sadly there were too many issues: How should I handle inconsistent formatting? What about when it says “Verse 1”? How do I edit out lyrics that Kanye didn't rap or sing? I just did a lot of copy-and-pasting into .txt files.

I edited down the files so that only verses by Kanye were included—I excluded features. I also took out the lyrics that were samples, choruses sung by other people, all spoken word introductions and outroductions, and skits. As is typical of text mining, I took out “stop words,” which are basically just boring words that I don't want to muck up my analyses (e.g., the, and, or). I also made it so that words like “change,” “changing,” and “changed” all counted as one word.

Like I said above, I included all of Kanye West's solo albums. My friends and I generally consider Watch the Throne to be primarily a Kanye album (save for American Gangster, Did Jay-Z ever recover from collaborating with Linkin Park in 2004?), so I included lyrics by Kanye West on this record.

Frequently used words

The first thing I did was look at the most frequently used words Kanye uses throughout his discography. He uses 3,294 unique words; he uses 1,741 of these only once, 479 twice, and 242 three times. Here is a figure showing all the words he has used 99 or more times:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-69

Kanye West coined the term “hashtag rap,” which, in Kanye's words, involves taking “the 'like' or 'as' out of the metaphor” (think: “Here's another hit—Barry Bonds” instead of “Here's another hit, like Barry Bonds”). Despite this, “like” is the word Kanye uses most throughout his discography. “Know,” “get,” “now,” just,“ "don't,” and “got” follow after. To my eye, this collection of words seems like a lot of words that deal with achieving or demanding things.

Which album has the biggest vocabulary?

The next thing I did was create a “uniqueness score” for each album. I started by calculating a score for each album: the number of unique words in a song divided by the number of words total in a song. For example, if a song had 25 unique words and 50 total words in the song, it would have a score of 0.5. The phrase “Hello, hello, everybody” has a score of 0.66, as there are two unique words (“hello” and “everybody”), and there are a total of three words in the phrase.

Then I simply took these songs and averaged them across album. So if an album was four songs and these songs had scores of .20, .40, .60, and .80, then the album's “uniqueness score” would be 0.50. Here is a plot of the albums' “uniqueness scores” (i.e., average vocabulary size), in chronological order:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-71

He's been remarkably consistent throughout his discography. The only notable difference is 808s and Heartbreak, which makes sense—he does not rap the lyrics, but sings them (mostly). What my next post on this dataset will include is the content of his vocabulary: How has the content of his lyrics changed over time?

Political Targeting Using k-means Clustering

Political campaigns send certain messages to people based on what the campaigns know about these potential voters, hoping that these specialized messages are more effective than generic messages at convincing people to show up and vote for their canddiate.

Imagine that a Democratic campaign wants to target Democrats for specific types of mailers or phone call conversations, but has limited resources. How could they decide on who gets what type of message? I'll show how I've been playing around with k-means clustering to get some insight into how people might decide what messages to send to which people.

Let's say this campaign could only, at most, afford four different types of messages. We could try to cluster four different types of Democrats, based on some information that a campaign has about the voters. I will use an unrealistic example here—given that it is survey data on specific issues—but I think it is nonetheless interesting and shows what such a simple algorithm is capable of.

My colleagues Chris Crandall, Laura Van Berkel, and I have asked online samples how they feel about specific political issues (e.g., gun laws, aborton, taxes). For the present analyses, I include only people who identify as Democrats, because I'm imagining that I'm trying to target Democratic voters.

I have 179 self-identified Democrats' answers on 17 specific policy questions, as well as how much they identify as liberal to conservative (on a 0 to 100 scale). I ran k-means clustering to these 17 policy questions, specifying four groups (i.e., the most this fictitious campaign could afford).

First, let's look at how many people were in each cluster. We can also look at how much each cluster, on average, identified themselves as liberal (0) to conservative (100):

Cluster Conservatism Size
1 46.32 22
2 31.84 43
3 27.96 47
4 10.45 67

These clusters are ordered by conservatism. We could see each group as just most conservative Democrats to most progressive Democrats, but can we get a more specific picture here?

What I did was create four different plots—one for each cluster—laying out how, on average, each cluster scored on each specific policy items. These items are standardized, which means that a score of 0 in the group means that they had the same opinion as the average Democrat in the sample. This will be important for interpretation. Let's look at Cluster 1. I call these “Religious Conservative Democrats,” as I will explain shortly:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

In general, these people tend to be more conservative than the average Democrat in our sample. But what really differentiates these people most? Three of the largest deviations from zero show the story: These people are much more against abortion access, much more of the belief that religion is important in everyday life, and much more against gay marriage than the average Democrat. These are not just conservative Democrats, but Democrats that are more conservative due to traditional religious beliefs. If I were advising the campaign, I would say, whatever they choose to do, do not focus their message on progressive stances on abortion access and gay marriage.

Let's turn to the Cluster 2, “Fiscally Conservative Democrats”:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

The biggest deviations from the average Democrat that these people have are that they are more likely to be against welfare, say that there is too much government spending, and oppose raising taxes. These people also support funding social security, stopping climate change, reducing economic inequality, and government providing healthcare less than the average Democrat. I would suggest targeting these people with social issues: access to abortion, supporting gay rights, funding fewer military programs, and supporting immigration. These people are about the same as the average Democrat on these issues.

Cluster 3 are what I have named “Moderate Democrats”:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

I almost want to name this group, “Democrats Likely to Agree with All of the Questions,” because they tended to support both conservative and liberal policices more than the average Democrat (except for the death penalty item, strangely). But they can be seen as moderates, or perhaps “ambivalent.” In comparison to the average Democrat, they are both more likely to say we should control borders and immigration and say that we should reduce economic inequality. Theoretically, this group is interesting. We could ask lots of empirical questions about them.

But pragmatically? They could probably be given messages that the candidate is most passionate about, polls best, etc., as they are likely to be more favorable toward any attitude—liberal or otherwise—than the average Democrat.

You might be wondering, “These groups all seem pretty conservative.” Remember that these scores are all relative to the average Democrat. Even if they score more conservatively on an issue, they are likely to support it less than a Republican.

In any case, Cluster 4 (the biggest cluster, about 37% of the sample) are the “Progressive Democrats”:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

In comparison to the average Democrat, these people support all of the liberal causes more and conservative causes less. I would suggest to those trying to campaign to these people that they would be open to the most progressive issues that the candidate has to offer.

As I mentioned before, this is somewhat of an unrealistic example: Campaigns don't have surveys laying around for registered voters. But there's an increasing amount of information out there that campaigns could use in lieu of directly asking people how they feel about issues: Facebook data, donations to specific causes, signing up for e-mail updates from different political organizations, etc. Information for most campaigns can be sparse, but people are increasingly able to access some of these more proprietary datasets.

k-means clustering is also a remarkably simple way to look at this issue. One line of code runs the algorithm. The command I ran was:

four <- kmeans(data,4)

And then I extracted the clusters for each person with the code:


Even if specific decisions are not made based on these simple cluster analyses, they are easy enough to do that I believe it is a good way to explore data and how respondents can be grouped together. Running multiple analyses specifying different numbers of clusters can help us understand how the people that answer these questions may be organized in pragmatically helpful ways.