Exploring the Star Wars "Prequel Renaissance" Using tidymodels and workflowsets

I set out to do two things with this post:

  1. Show how one can use workflowsets in the tidymodels context to compare different pre-processing and model types against one another. Until recently, there wasn’t a unified way to do this in the R ecosystem. So, I wanted to give workflowsets a try, because I’m glad it exists now.

  2. Do this while examining an unorthodox case. I want to look at the role of the Star Wars sequel movies (Episodes VII, VIII, and IX) in how the perception of the Star Wars prequel movies (Episodes I, II, and III) have changed.


In recent years, some have talked about a “prequel renaissance” in that the Star Wars prequels, which were not received well at the time, have come into popularity in recent years. I think most of this is due to my generation aging into adulthood: We are looking back fondly on movies that we grew up with. There’s a cohort of fans who feel a nostalgia for them. Nostalgia is psychological concept I’ve worked a little on in my academic work, with my colleague Matt Baldwin.

When we talk about nostalgia, we think of it as a process of contrast: We think of something in our life now and think how it is different from how things used to be. This can elicit a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative.

My thinking is that the release of the sequels provided some people a salient referent by which to re-judge the prequels. People see movies they do not like now, and they compare it to how much better it was when they were a kid. (There’s also, obviously, a problem of the alt-right in popular culture franchises, and “anti-fandom” comes into play as people react in grievance against the increasing diversity in Star Wars stories).

In any case, my hypothesis is: The release of the sequel trilogies movies led to an increased regard for the prequels.

Though not perfect, I operationalize this through Rotten Tomatoes user reviews. I wrote a script, combining rvest and RSelenium, to flip through 500 pages of user reviews for each film. The code to do this can be found in the Appendix below, as well as at my GitHub repository for this post. I expect to see more favorable reviews at the releases of the sequel movies.

I found that this question couldn’t really be answered well in a typical inferential statistics framework. I could bucket dates and compare reviews using an ANOVA? I could fit a time series model? I could fit a regression model with discontinuity at the sequel movies’ release dates?

Instead, I chose to fit a few statistical learning models (splines, random forest, k-nearest neighbors), tune them, and compare them using crossvalidation. Instead of p-values or something else, I am looking for just an obvious answer: To see the reviews jump up in popularity when the sequels are released. I use the aforementioned models because they can handle a bit of jaggedness in the data.

Prepping Data

I am assuming some familiarity with the tidymodels framework here—focusing on workflowsets. I would guide folks to Julia Silge’s incredible tutorials to learn more about the tidymodels ecosystem.

After downloading 500 pages’ worth of reviews from each film, I read them in below. I found that I had reviews for all three films from April 9th 2012 and on, so I filter just to these reviews, and I combine them for one dataset. Since we need the date to be a numeric predictor, I center at the first day available: So, April 9th 2012 is coded 0, the next day is coded 1, and so on. I also split these into training and testing data, using the default 75% training/25% testing option in rsample::initial_split().

# prep -------------------------------------------------------------------------

dat <- list.files(pattern = "^ep") %>% 
  map_dfr(~read_csv(.x) %>% mutate(film = str_sub(.x, 1, 3))) %>% 
  transmute(film, date = lubridate::mdy(date), stars) %>% 
  na.omit() %>% # recent days don't parse and are NA
  filter(date >= "2012-04-09") %>% 
  mutate(date = as.numeric(date - lubridate::ymd("2012-04-09"))) %>% 

dat_train <- training(dat)
dat_test <- testing(dat)

And now, we are set to define the models and data processing steps. This is a very simple case, as I have one outcome (the score, from 0.5 to 5.0 stars), and two predictors (date and film).

Models and Preprocessing

For the splines, I define typical OLS regression as the estimator. For the random forest, I am using the ranger package, and I will tune the number of variables it’ll use (a little silly, because here we only have two candidates, but it’s what I would do in a larger dataset, so I’m just being consistent with the practice here) and the minimum allowed data points in a terminal node. Lastly, we have a k-nearest neighbors model using the kknn package, tuning for neighbors, distance power (Manhattan being 1, Euclidean being 2), and type of kernel function for weighting distances.

# set models -------------------------------------------------------------------
lm_mod <- linear_reg() %>% 

rf_mod <- rand_forest(
  mode = "regression",
  trees = 1000,
  mtry = tune(),
  min_n = tune()
) %>% 

nn_mod <- nearest_neighbor(
  mode = "regression", 
  neighbors = tune(),
  dist_power = tune(), 
  weight_func = tune()
) %>% 

Then, I turn to pre-processing steps—what are called “recipes” in the tidymodels framework. I start with a base recipe, which is simply predicting stars from date and film, and then dummy scoring the categorical film variable. Then, I make a recipe for the regression model with a natural spline on date. I allow the degrees of freedom to be tuned in crossvalidation, and then I make a step allowing for date and film to interact with one another. Lastly, I make a z-scored recipe.

# make recipes -----------------------------------------------------------------
rec_base <- recipe(stars ~ date + film, dat_train) %>% 

rec_ns <- rec_base %>% 
  step_ns(date, deg_free = tune()) %>% 
  step_interact(~ starts_with("date"):starts_with("film"))

rec_zs <- rec_base %>% 

And here’s where the cool part comes in: I can now define a “workflow set.” I specify the recipes with preproc and the models with models. One can use cross = TRUE to look at all combinations of recipes and models. Here, I am setting that to FALSE so that the natural spline recipe is used for the linear regression, the base recipe is used for the random forest, and the standardized recipe is used for the nearest neighbors.

# workflowset ------------------------------------------------------------------
(wfs <- workflow_set(
  preproc = list(spline = rec_ns, base = rec_base, zscored = rec_zs),
  models = list(lm_mod, rf_mod, nn_mod),
  cross = FALSE
## # A workflow set/tibble: 3 x 4
##   wflow_id                 info                 option    result    
##   <chr>                    <list>               <list>    <list>    
## 1 spline_linear_reg        <tibble[,4] [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
## 2 base_rand_forest         <tibble[,4] [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>
## 3 zscored_nearest_neighbor <tibble[,4] [1 × 4]> <opts[0]> <list [0]>

And we see we have our three different workflows set up in one unified place. In practice, one could define a large number of workflows and recipe/model combinations to test against one another.


I then turn to tuning the aforementioned hyperparameters using 10-fold crossvalidation. After I make the folds, I simply pipe my workflow set to a specific purrr::map()-esque function for workflows. I tell it to run the tune::tune_grid() function on each, defining a random grid of 30 different combinations of parameters for each of the three workflows. I’m doing grid search here, and the tidymodels folks have set reasonable ranges to explore for the hyperparameter space, which is why the code here looks so bare in defining what those grids cover.

# cross validation -------------------------------------------------------------
folds <- vfold_cv(dat_train, v = 10)

cv_res <- wfs %>%
  workflow_map("tune_grid", seed = 1839, grid = 30, resamples = folds)

Compare Models

We can then look at the results. What are the top 10 workflows?

# compare models and params ----------------------------------------------------
cv_res %>% 
  rank_results() %>% 
  filter(.metric == "rmse")
## # A tibble: 74 x 9
##    wflow_id    .config     .metric  mean std_err     n preprocessor model   rank
##    <chr>       <chr>       <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <int> <chr>        <chr>  <int>
##  1 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00689    10 recipe       rand_…     1
##  2 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00697    10 recipe       rand_…     2
##  3 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00691    10 recipe       rand_…     3
##  4 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00686    10 recipe       rand_…     4
##  5 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00689    10 recipe       rand_…     5
##  6 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00687    10 recipe       rand_…     6
##  7 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00694    10 recipe       rand_…     7
##  8 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00692    10 recipe       rand_…     8
##  9 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00696    10 recipe       rand_…     9
## 10 base_rand_… Preprocess… rmse     1.19 0.00694    10 recipe       rand_…    10
## # … with 64 more rows

All of them are random forests, and all of them have the same average root-mean-square error. I can also easily call a plot to compare all possible combinations of models explored in the grid search:

autoplot(cv_res, rank_metric = "rmse", metric = "rmse")

The random forests tended to do the best, with the linear regression with splines and an interaction defined doing about as well. It was k-nearest neighbors that really lagged behind.

Select Best Model

To actually examine my hypothesis, I’ll pull the best hyperparameter values for the random forest, and then I will finalize my workflow, fit it on the training data, and then predict it on the 25% testing holdout data.

# predict ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(best_results <- cv_res %>% 
  pull_workflow_set_result("base_rand_forest") %>% 
  select_best(metric = "rmse"))
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
##    mtry min_n .config              
##   <int> <int> <chr>                
## 1     2     5 Preprocessor1_Model12
final_fit <- cv_res %>% 
  pull_workflow("base_rand_forest") %>% 
  finalize_workflow(best_results) %>% 

dat_test <- bind_cols(dat_test, predict(final_fit, dat_test))


So, what does it look like? The three vertical lines below are for the three sequel movies: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker, respectively. Remember that I’ve scored date so that 0 is April 9th 2012 (the first review I have for all three films).

# plotting ---------------------------------------------------------------------
tfa <- as.numeric(lubridate::ymd("2015-12-18") - lubridate::ymd("2012-04-09"))
tlj <- as.numeric(lubridate::ymd("2017-12-15") - lubridate::ymd("2012-04-09"))
tros <- as.numeric(lubridate::ymd("2019-12-20") - lubridate::ymd("2012-04-09"))

ggplot(dat_test, aes(x = date, y = stars)) +
  facet_wrap(~ film) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tfa)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tlj)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tros)) +
  geom_count(alpha = .3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = .pred), color = "blue") +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

For Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Episode II: Attack of the Clones, we see a huge spike up at the release of Rian Johnson’s expectation-subverting masterpiece, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. We see this a bit for Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, as well, but less so—this movie was already probably the best-regarded film from the prequel era.

Some might be wondering: The spline on date interacting with the film dummy variables had basically the same performance, what does that model look like?

# spline -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(best_results <- cv_res %>% 
  pull_workflow_set_result("spline_linear_reg") %>% 
  select_best(metric = "rmse"))
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   deg_free .config              
##      <int> <chr>                
## 1        8 Preprocessor12_Model1
final_fit <- cv_res %>% 
  pull_workflow("spline_linear_reg") %>% 
  finalize_workflow(best_results) %>% 

dat_test$pred_spline <- predict(final_fit, dat_test)$.pred

ggplot(dat_test, aes(x = date, y = stars)) +
  facet_wrap(~ film) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tfa)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tlj)) +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = tros)) +
  geom_count(alpha = .3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = pred_spline), color = "blue") +
  theme(legend.position = "top")

We see a similar trend, albeit smoother. I would probably use this model if I had to do prediction, given the noisiness of the random forest prediction (I would also round predictions to the nearest half star, which would help stabilize things). But that isn’t really what I was trying to do here. I was looking for some obvious evidence that people started judging the prequels better once the sequels were released.

And the data here pass the best statistical test of all: the interocular trauma test. The data are obvious in that positive reviews spiked after the release of The Last Jedi. To my knowledge, Joe Berkson coined the name of this test, and it first shows up in 1963 in Edwards, Lindman, and Savage’s “Bayesian Statistical Inference for Psychological Research” in Psychological Review, 70(3):

“The preceding paragraph illustrates a procedure that statisticians of all schools find important but elusive. It has been called the interocular traumatic test; you know what the data mean when the conclusion hits you between the eyes.”

The underlying mechanism is less clear. My first thought was nostalgia is evoked while people contrast the present to the past. But so-called “anti-fandom” could also be evoked when doing that contrast. Or it could be run-of-the-mill fanboy anger at contrasting the movies. I do think contrast plays a big role here, though, as we see the biggest effect after The Last Jedi, which brilliantly defied a lot of expectations about where the saga could go. Let’s hope we finally do see Rian Johnson’s own Star Wars trilogy someday.



# global params ----------------------------------------------------------------
# url <- "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_i_the_phantom_menace/reviews?type=user"
# url <- "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_ii_attack_of_the_clones/reviews?type=user"
# url <- "https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_episode_iii_revenge_of_the_sith/reviews?type=user"
pages_to_scrape <- 500

# funs -------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_stars <- function(the_html) {
  stars_text <- the_html %>% 
    html_nodes(".audience-reviews__score") %>% 
  stars <- map_dbl(stars_text, function(x) {
    score <- 0
    score <- score + str_count(x, "star-display__filled")
    score <- score + (str_count(x, "star-display__half") / 2)

get_dates <- function(the_html) {
  date_text <- the_html %>% 
    html_nodes(".audience-reviews__duration") %>% 
  dates <- map_chr(date_text, function(x) {
    str_split(x, ">") %>% 
      `[[`(1) %>% 
      `[`(2) %>% 

get_texts <- function(the_html) {
  text_text <- the_html %>% 
    html_nodes(".js-clamp") %>% 
    as.character() %>% 
    `[`(seq(1, length(.), by = 2))
  texts <- map_chr(text_text, function(x) {
    str_split(x, ">") %>% 
      `[[`(1) %>% 
      `[`(2) %>% 

get_reviews <- function(the_html) {

  reviews <- tibble(
    date = get_dates(the_html),
    stars = get_stars(the_html),
    text = get_texts(the_html)

# scrape -----------------------------------------------------------------------
res <- tibble()
driver <- rsDriver(browser = "firefox", port = 1839L)

for (i in seq_len(pages_to_scrape)) {
  cat("page", i, "\n")
  res <- res %>% 
  more <- driver$client$findElement(
    "css selector", 


# write out --------------------------------------------------------------------
# res %>% 
#   unique() %>% 
#   write_csv("ep1.csv")

# res %>%
#   unique() %>%
#   write_csv("ep2.csv")

# res %>%
#   unique() %>%
#   write_csv("ep3.csv")

Star Wars Fandom Survey, Part 5: Importance of Movie Characteristics

Welcome from Part 1, where I talked mainly about methods; Part 2, where I discussed the three major types of Star Wars fans; Part 3, where I discussed sexism and political attitudes; and Part 4, where I discussed age and nostalgia. In this part, I will focus on age and nostalgia. As always, email sw.survey.2019@gmail.com with questions about analyses, methods, results, and so on.

People enjoy movies for different reasons. Some want to have fun or want the film to challenge how they think, some want to be emotionally moved or to see compelling action—and others want a combination of these things. I wrote a questionnaire about “movie importance” to gauge what respondents want from their movie-watching experience. (I briefly mentioned this in Part 1.) And I wanted to know how each of these correlated with favorability toward each Star Wars trilogy. I asked participants, “How important are each of these to you when watching a movie?” and presented them with this list:

  • Fun: “Having fun while watching the movie.”

  • Meaningful: “Finding the movie meaningful.”

  • Emotionally Moving: “Being emotionally moved by the movie.”

  • Complex Characters: “That the movie has complex characters.”

  • Thought-Provoking: “That the movie be thought-provoking.”

  • Action: “That the movie has engaging action.”

  • Artistically Valuable: “That the movie is artistically valuable.”

  • Twists and Unexpected: “That the movie has twists and unexpected events.”

  • Feel-Good Ending: “It has a feel-good ending.”

  • Costumes and Setting: “The costumes and sets are aesthetically appealing.”

  • Logical Worldbuilding: “That the movie builds a logical world and lore.”

Participants answered each on a 1 (not at all important) to 7 (very important) scale. Every item correlated positively with one another (minimum correlation: .09, maximum: .58, average = .27), so looking at correlations between each item and favorability toward each movie could surface illusory correlations. For example, the “fun” question correlated with the “action” question at .39, and if fun correlates with enjoying one of the trilogies, it could be due to the overlapping correlation with action. What I did here, then, was use all these questions as simultaneous predictors in a multiple regression equation. Then I looked at any movie importance item that was significant at p < .01.

As I’ve done in other parts, I averaged how favorably people feel toward each of the main Star Wars films by trilogy. This created favorability scores for the originals, prequels, and sequels. There were three regression models, one for each saga. I plotted the standardized regression coefficients below.


Wanting action and logical worldbuilding were positive predictors of enjoying the originals, while needing complex characters and a feel-good ending predicts feeling unfavorably toward movies of the original trilogy.

We see more significant predictors for the prequels. People who enjoy the prequels also tend to like action, a feel-good ending, well-made costumes and settings, meaningful films, twists and unexpected events, and logical worldbuilding. Much like the originals, wanting complex characters predicted not enjoying the prequels.

We see different relationships for the sequels, which has been a recurring theme in each part. Yet again, the data showed how this trilogy is divisive and breaks from the other two Star Wars trilogies. People who want a feel-good ending, twists and unexpected events, complex characters, to be emotionally moved, to have fun, and to watch something with artistic value are all more likely to enjoy the sequels. For originals and prequels, wanting complex characters predicted disliking the movies; conversely, finding complex characters important to a film predicts enjoyment of the sequel movies.

The biggest relationship here, however, is that those who wanted logical worldbuilding and lore tended not to enjoy the sequel trilogy. This also flips relationships that we see for the originals and prequels, where logical worldbuilding predicted enjoyment. This flip is likely because of the bold character and narrative choices Rian Johnson made in The Last Jedi.

These data do not necessarily mean that, for example, the originals had non-complex characters (e.g., Lando’s actions on Bespin in Empire Strikes Back are neither deplorable nor laudable). It also doesn’t mean that the sequels lack logical worldbuilding (e.g., Leia’s Force pull in space in The Last Jedi has canonical precedent from Rebels). What these data do show, however, is the psychological relationship between what people want from a movie and how much they enjoy each trilogy. And yet again, we see the sequel trilogy is empirically separated from the other two trilogies.

Star Wars Fandom Survey, Part 4: Age and Nostalgia

Welcome from Part 1, where I talked mainly about methods; Part 2, where I discussed the three major types of Star Wars fans; and Part 3, where I discussed sexism and political attitudes. In this part, I will focus on age and nostalgia. As always, email sw.survey.2019@gmail.com with questions about analyses, methods, results, and so on.

Star Wars was a big part of many fans’ childhoods. In 2005, George Lucas told BBC News that the Star Wars “movies are for children but [fans] don’t want to admit that.” Star Wars has a massive adult fanbase, but my survey’s sample of over five thousand fans suggests that these fans largely became such as children. The median age when first watching a Star Wars film was six, 90% of respondents watched one for the first time before the age of 13, and 96% of the current sample did so before the age of 18.


I also wanted to know if fans felt particularly warm toward the movies that came out when they were children. I looked at this by plotting participants birth year against how favorably they reported feeling toward each of the trilogies. I averaged scores for movies within trilogies to get this overall favorability score.

I did not, however, draw a typical, straight regression line. Instead, I drew what are known as “cubic regression splines.” Put simply, the lines try to be more flexible to the data than typical regression lines. They allow more bends in the line, while still being smooth so as to not read too much into noise.


In the left panel, we see that people who feel most favorably toward the originals are the people who were children when they first released. The same thing is in the middle panel: A bump in favorability for the prequels for people born in 1990 and afterward, since they grew up with these movies (whereas older generations did not). The right panel shows that those who were born around the time of the original trilogy dislike the sequels the most. We are still a decade or two from getting good data on the kids who grew up during the sequel trilogy, but I hypothesize that they will feel more positively toward it than the other age groups.

I interpret this as a sign of nostalgia for participants’ childhoods. Nostalgia is a “sentimental longing or affection for the past” (Baldwin, Biernat, & Landau, 2015). As mentioned in Part 1, I asked respondents how much they “feel a nostalgic and warm feeling” for things from their personal past: friends, family, pets, toys, TV shows, movies, and music. Unfortunately, since these questions did not form a cohesive scale together, I looked at each separately. As many people told me at the end of the survey, one cannot feel nostalgic for pets if they did not have pets; for that reason, I do not include that item here.

In the figure below, I show the correlations between favorability for each of the trilogies and how nostalgic people are. Each box represents a correlation, which can range from -1 (an exact, negative relationship) to +1 (an exact, positive relationship). Empty tiles represent correlations that were not significant, p > .01.


Many of these are considered “small” correlations (< .10) in psychology, so I focus on the larger correlations. In general, we see that nostalgia is correlated with how favorably one sees the originals, while the relationship between the prequels and nostalgia is smaller. The only negative correlation is between the sequels and nostalgia toward toys. Many of the survey’s respondents were referred from toy collectors’ websites, so it makes some intuitive sense that nostalgia in this domain would be powerful. The more nostalgic one reports being toward the toys from their past, the less they like the sequel trilogy. This again shows how the sequel trilogy—particularly The Last Jedi—have broken with tradition, to the chagrin of some nostalgic fans.

I also wanted to compare those born before 1990 and those born in and after 1990, since that is when we see positive attitudes toward the prequels start to increase in the age plot above. The two panels of this plot are mostly the same; it seems like the nostalgia for the original trilogy carried over to the prequels for those born before 1989, even though they were largely adults upon those movie’s releases.

The biggest difference again shows the polarization of the sequel trilogy. Nostalgia is largely unrelated to the sequel trilogy for those born in and after 1990; the negative correlation between toy nostalgia and sequel-trilogy favorability is only present for those born before 1990. It seems the nostalgia that carried over from the original trilogy to the prequel trilogy has not also carried over to the sequel trilogy, which does not directly involve George Lucas and has broken with tradition in casting and narrative decisions.


Many Star Wars fans start young, as did the majority in this sample. This allows nostalgia to be a powerful lens through which people perceive these movies. The more nostalgic people report being, the more they enjoy the Star Wars films. The only exception to this is older fans and the sequel trilogy. In The Last Jedi, Kylo Ren implores Rey to, “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.” This line had some meta-contextual meaning: many unexpected narrative choices in The Last Jedi made it break from what one might expect from a Star Wars film. These data suggest some older, nostalgic fans would rather not kill the past.